Year to Change Your Mind - Ideas from the Therapy Room to Help You Live Better Maddox Dr Lucy authorPevná vazba

'Twelve months' worth of smart self-help from someone you'd want on your team in a crisis ... genuinely useful, charming, comforting' - Guardian 'Compelling, warm and authoritative' - Viv Groskop, bestselling author of Lift As You Climb 'A compassionate book filled with useful tips to help us through life' - Claudia Hammond, bestselling author of The Key to Kindness Help yourself to live a better ...

'Twelve months' worth of smart self-help from someone you'd want on your team in a crisis ... genuinely useful, charming, comforting' - Guardian 'Compelling, warm and authoritative' - Viv Groskop, bestselling author of Lift As You Climb 'A compassionate book filled with useful tips to help us through life' - Claudia Hammond, bestselling author of The Key to Kindness Help yourself to live a better life in 2023 Psychology underpins everything we do, determining the decisions we make, the relationships we build, the roles we play and the places we live, and our behaviour is further influenced by the changing seasons, encouraging many of us to fall into unhelpful patterns again and again each year. In A YEAR TO CHANGE YOUR MIND, consultant clinical psychologist Dr Lucy Maddox explains how psychological processes thread through our lives, pinpointing those issues most frequently encountered
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