Vonyx MEG020 20W

Vonyx 700 m m 20 W 0,7 kg kg

A compact lightweight megaphone containing a powerful 20W amplifier featuring a record and siren function. Coverage 0.5-0.7km range depending on environmental conditions. The megaphone also features a volume control and comfortable pistol grip handle with a short carrying strap. Powered by 4 x D batteries (1.5V). Ideal for use in schools, at events etc.
Power max.:20W
Range:500 - 700m

A compact lightweight megaphone containing a powerful 20W amplifier featuring a record and siren function. Coverage 0.5-0.7km range depending on environmental conditions. The megaphone also features a volume control and comfortable pistol grip handle with a short carrying strap. Powered by 4 x D batteries (1.5V). Ideal for use in schools, at events etc.
Power max.:20W
Range:500 - 700m
Dimensions:155mm x 250mm (dia x L)
Battery:6V (4x D-cell)
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