River of Wind

The adventure continues! In a land no owl knew existed,Soren, Coryn, and the Guardians find danger, knowledge, and new allies.Coryn and the Band have returned to the Great Ga'HooleTree and restored order. With the ember safely hidden away, the tree shakes offits gaudy golden glow and recovers its natural majesty. Meanwhile, deep in thePalace of Mists, Bess finds an ancient map fragment that reveal...

The adventure continues! In a land no owl knew existed,Soren, Coryn, and the Guardians find danger, knowledge, and new allies.Coryn and the Band have returned to the Great Ga'HooleTree and restored order. With the ember safely hidden away, the tree shakes offits gaudy golden glow and recovers its natural majesty. Meanwhile, deep in thePalace of Mists, Bess finds an ancient map fragment that reveals that there arenot five owl kingdoms-as has been thought since time immemorial-but six. Corynand th
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