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World of Gerard Mercator

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Nalezeno 4 nabídek. (Zobrazuji 1 – 30)

The true story of Gerard Mercator, the greatest map-maker of all time, who was condemned to death as a heretic. Geographie and Chronologie I may call the Sunne and the Moone, the right eye and the left, of all history. In The World of Gerard Mercator, Andrew Taylor...

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Subtitled, }The Mapmaker Who Revolutionised Geography{. Taylor chronicles both the story of a great astronomer and mathematician, who was condemned to death as a heretic, and the history of that most fascinating conjunction of science and art: the drawing of maps.

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Tento e-shop nezískal dostatečný počet hodnocení za posledních 90 dní.

Subtitled, }The Mapmaker Who Revolutionised Geography{. Taylor chronicles both the story of a great astronomer and mathematician, who was condemned to death as a heretic, and the history of that most fascinating conjunction of science and art: the drawing of maps.

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Obchod nemá dostatečný počet hodnocení
Tento e-shop nezískal dostatečný počet hodnocení za posledních 90 dní.