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Rock Covers - Robbie Busch, Jonathan Kirby, Julius Wiedemann

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Rock Covers - 40th Anniversary Edition - Julius Wiedemann, Robbie Busch, Jonathan Kirby Album art is indelibly linked to our collective musical memories; when you think of your favorite albums, you picture the covers. Many photographers, illustrators, and art directors...

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Album art is indelibly linked to our collective musical memories; when you think of your favorite albums, you picture the covers. Many photographers, illustrators, and art directors have become celebrities from their album artworks the best examples of which will go...

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From legendary releases to ultra-rare records, Elvis Presley to Iron Maiden, discover the 750 album covers that made rock history. Fact sheets, insider interviews, and lists from leading collectors of their top 10 records guide us through the indelible markers of...

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