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I Ching Yi Jing and Modern Science

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Nalezeno 3 nabídek. (Zobrazuji 1 – 30)

I Ching created from keen observation of the nature in the universe. The key components of Yi Jing are the yin and yang duality, the four phenomena, trigram, two sets of eight trigrams, the 64 hexagrams, two sets of 64 trigrams. The yin and yang d

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I Ching created from keen observation of the nature in the universe. The key components of Yi Jing are the yin and yang duality, the four phenomena, trigram, two sets of eight trigrams, the 64 hexagrams, two sets of 64 trigrams. The yin and yang d

Cena produktu bez dopravy
Obchod nemá dostatečný počet hodnocení
Tento e-shop nezískal dostatečný počet hodnocení za posledních 90 dní.