Harry Potter: A Journey Through A History of Magic
Bohatá sbírka ilustrací, scénářů, poznámek, fotografií rekvizit z archívů Britské knihovny ze světa Harryho Pottera. Kniha vyšla u příležitosti dvacátého výročí vydání prvního...
Nalezeno 9 nabídek. (Zobrazuji 1 – )
Bohatá sbírka ilustrací, scénářů, poznámek, fotografií rekvizit z archívů Britské knihovny ze světa Harryho Pottera. Kniha vyšla u příležitosti dvacátého výročí vydání prvního...
An irresistible romp through the history of magic, from alchemy to unicorns, ancient witchcraft to Harry's Hogwarts - packed with unseen sketches and manuscript pages from J.K. Rowling, magical illustrations from Jim Kay and weird, wonderful and inspiring artefacts...
An irresistible romp through the history of magic, from alchemy to unicorns, ancient witchcraft to Harry's Hogwarts - packed with unseen sketches and manuscript pages from J.K. Rowling, magical illustrations from Jim Kay and weird, wonderful and inspiring artefacts...
A Journey Through the History of Magic. Celebrate the 20th anniversary of 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone' with an irresistible romp through the history of magic. Prepare to be spellbound by unseen sketches and manuscript pages from J K Rowling, magical...
An irresistible romp through the history of magic, from alchemy to unicorns, ancient witchcraft to Harry's Hogwarts – packed with unseen sketches and manuscript pages from J.K. Rowling, magical illustrations from Jim Kay and weird, wonderful and inspiring artefacts...
An irresistible romp through the history of magic, from alchemy to unicorns, ancient witchcraft to Harry's Hogwarts - packed with unseen sketches and manuscript pages from J.K. Rowling, magical illust
A Journey Through the History of Magic. Celebrate the 20th anniversary of 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone' with an irresistible romp through the history of magic. Prepare to be spellbound by unseen sketches and manuscript pages from J K Rowling, magical...
An irresistible romp through the history of magic, from alchemy to unicorns, ancient witchcraft to Harry's Hogwarts - packed with unseen sketches and manuscript pages from J.K. Rowling, magical illust
An irresistible romp through the history of magic, from alchemy to unicorns, ancient witchcraft to Harry's Hogwarts – packed with unseen sketches and manuscript pages from J.K. Rowling, magical illustrations from Jim Kay and weird, wonderful and inspiring artefacts...