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Climate Majority

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Nalezeno 4 nabídek. (Zobrazuji 1 – 30)

"If climate action remains marginal at this late hour, it will fail. In dismay at the inaction of governments, citizen groups are showing how people can use their real power and authentic voice to drive change. In the workplace, in politics and in local communities,...

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" The Climate Majority is the first book to investigate climate apathy, to describe how it prevents action to stop climate change and to show how it can be beaten with an approach developed for political campaigns. Leo Barasi argues that dangerous climate change will...

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" This edited collection explores a diverse range of climate (in)justice case studies from the Majority World - where most of humans and non-humans live. It is also the site of the most severe impacts of climate change and home to some of the key solutions for the...

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