Bad Room: Held Captive and Abused by My Evil Carer. A True Story of Survival.

After years of physical and mental abuse, Jade thought her kindly foster mother would be the answer to her prayers. She was wrong ... this is her staggering true story.'This must be what prison is like,' I thought as another hour crawled by. In fact, prison would be better ... at least you knew your sentence. You could tick off the days until you got out. In the Bad Room we had no idea how long we...

After years of physical and mental abuse, Jade thought her kindly foster mother would be the answer to her prayers. She was wrong ... this is her staggering true story.'This must be what prison is like,' I thought as another hour crawled by. In fact, prison would be better ... at least you knew your sentence. You could tick off the days until you got out. In the Bad Room we had no idea how long we'd serve.After years of constant abuse, Jade thought her foster mother Linda Black would be the answ
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